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The importance of an MP is never greater than those they represent, and the greatest dialogue should not happen at elections but between elections.

I do not underestimate the huge challenge I have in becoming your MP, I will find it hard to compete with the mainstream mega parties. What I don’t have in financial strength, deep ingrained awareness, and support, I will make up by listening, building, and crafting a plan for the needs of West Oxfordshire, with the hope of one day being able to act on that plan and be made accountable for its success.

Some argue that a vote for an independent candidate is a wasted vote, but is it?

  • Are there benefits to an MP who has their whole focus on their constituent?

  • Are there benefits to an MP who does not follow the party line?

  • Are there benefits to having an MP who is not influenced by unions or business groups?

  • Are there benefits to having an MP who has a plan for their constituents rather than a one-size-fits-all national agenda being peddled as "bespoke community solutions"?

My approach to building a plan for West Oxfordshire will be based on a 10-point platform, with the identified needs and aspirations being created by the community.

Life has shown me that past or current circumstances do not have to dictate your future opportunities and destinations; it has been my life's work to spread that message to those who believe otherwise". 

Your voice, your aspirations, and your future

At the next general election make sure the things that matter to you are being debated

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